Information will be posted soon, meanwhile for more information you can contact the parish office.
1. Verify available dates and times at the Parish Notary, or by calling 415 152 0544 and 415 152 4197, or email 2. Start your process in the Parish to which you belong according to your address (verify in your parish when they should start the procedure). MAKE THE MARRIAGE PRESENTATION: They will ask for recent documents of proof of baptism, confirmation, first communion, take talks or premarital retreat, the priest will interview the couple and two witnesses, they must comply with all this process. IMPORTANT: If you are going to get married civilly after the religious wedding, you will have to process a dispensation with your diocese indicating the situation why you will NOT get married civilly and committing yourself to get married as soon as possible. 3. IMPORTANT After completing the above procedure, you must send us at least one month in advance of the wedding date, the following documents (before the month if you have it): - Original Transfer or Marriage License, signed and stamped by the parish and the Diocese (Without these documents the marriage cannot be celebrated). - Attach copies of baptism certificates if the transfer does not have this information. - Questionnaire with the statements of the bride and groom and their witnesses (only foreigners) and proof of pre-marital talks. - Civil Marriage Certificate. - Proof of Marriage by the Church of witnesses or godparents of the wake (It is a couple married to the Catholic Church. NOT parents of the bride and groom). 4. Final interview at the parish notary on Tuesday or Friday (one day before the wedding), shifts are delivered at 9:00 am and the interviews begin at 10:30 am. NOTE: If the contracting parties want another Priest who does not belong to this Diocese to celebrate their marriage, they must present the valid license of the Minister who will celebrate, Priests from abroad must present a letter of authorization from their Bishop.
Costs and Payment
Reports at the Parish Notary Public at telephone numbers 415 152 0544 and 415 152 4197.
Foreign Marriages (Other Dioceses in Mexico and Abroad).
The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ with the Church. Give spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of the spouses, reaffirms their indissoluble unity and sanctifies them on the path to eternal life (cf. Council of Trent: DS 1799).
Check availability at the parish office.